Nelson Shipping Agencies offers:
Agency representation for vessel calls at Nelson/Picton
Supercargo services on application
Assistance with crew changes in Nelson/Picton
Assistance with medical/dental services
Assistance with mechanical/engineering services on vessels calling Nelson/Picton
Assistance with tender services to vessels at anchor
Nelson Shipping Agencies is proud to provide sub agency services in Nelson/Picton for the following companies:
RoRo service from Japan/Australia/Auckland/Wellington/Lyttelton
Wanting to get vehicles/machinery from Japan/Australia/Auckland/Wellington/Lyttelton to Nelson? Talk to John for assistance/quote
Aranui Shipping Ltd
Bulk vessels calling at Nelson
Hooker Shipping / Move Logistics
General cargo vessels calling Nelson and Picton
Tankers calling Nelson
Inchcape Shipping Services McKay Ltd (ISS-McKay)
General cargo vessels calling Nelson/Picton
Tanker vessels calling Nelson
Cruise vessels calling Nelson
Bulk vessels calling Nelson/Picton
Specialised reefer vessels calling Nelson to load fruit/meat/fish
Tankers calling Nelson
RoRo vessels (MOL ACE service) calling Nelson
Bulk vessels calling Nelson/Picton
Bulk vessels calling Nelson/Picton
Specialised reefer vessels calling Nelson to load fruit/meat/fish
General cargo vessels calling Nelson/Picton
Tankers calling Nelson
Specialised vessels calling Picton